6/8 update

Just got in from the rheumatologist and decided to blog.

Visit went really well. This is the first time I’ve seen him since my right heart cath. My pressures came back slightly elevated. I believe my pressure is 43 (higher than the estimate on the echo). He has referred me to a Pulmonologist. From there, my rheumatologist and Pulmonologist will collaborate to find out what the best course of treatment will be. Currently I’m not really exhibiting many signs of pulmonary hypertension. My X-rays are clear, PFT was normal, just occasional shortness of breath.

We also cut back on the methotrexate again. Instead of 4 pills a week, I am down to 3. Next month, we will completely come off the methotrexate. I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous. I haven’t seen a drastic change in my body since coming down from 7 but there’s still that thought in my mind.

I’ve also decided to get my anxiety under control. It’s really starting to get out of hand and needs to be tamed.

I’ll post again once I meet my new team member (Pulmonologist). ✌️

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